» Informações:
Ano de Lançamento: 2004
Idioma: Inglês
Formato: .ISO
Padrão: NTSC
Mídia: DVD
Parte 1 - Parte 2 - Parte 3
We are a group of fashion designers and dedicated anime fans. Our mission is to provide the best designs reflecting your favorite anime characters in every detail
This is probably my last post for the year 2009, so lets make it... cute!
Rikku, the bilingual, 15-year-old Al Bhed, is a talented theif who is somewhat childish, but also very cheerful and optimistic. She loves her cousin Yuna dearly and wishes to stop her from going through with her pilgrimage. She also informs Tidus of Yuna's fate when she summons her Final Aeon.
So cute this Yuna! And intersting shoes I might add. I really like her outfit in X more than X-2. Awesome work!
Both sent by Master Eraqus to seek out Master Xehanort and his cohort, Terra and Ven are the main protagonists of the Kingdom Hearts prequel, "Birth by Sleep". Terra bears a striking ressemblance to Todomarishi Shinsen from Kindom Hearts II Final Mix just as Ven does to Roxas.
Alright, readers who keep sending this in can please stop now! Terra is cosplayed by Courto and Ven is cosplayed by Akusesu from Deviant Art; photographed by Tony Quan. Really wonderful work! Great job guys!