Blandts,teifs you may heard so many
story about them but not this one you see long ago a woman and her
childerns were caught in a big fire
in their home the woman and her
childerns try to epace but no use
they were going to die then all the
suddleny out nowhere a big mestryous person came in and said
(in yelling) hello?! is anyone here?! please say something! heard
screaming help! someone! man: hold
on! I'm coming! though the firely
death the man found them and grab
them to safety at last they made it! man:( heavily breathing) ahh
sigh are you alright my lady? woman: yes thank you so much for saving us welcome we are forever in
debit young girl: yeah thank you!
you mister! young boy: thank you!
man: heh heh your welcome please
tell me what happen here? woman: wehave been rob by tiefs! man: bandits damn I hate when they do
that! young boy: they took everything from even our father sword young girl: yeah they almost
took our mother but we were trap but until you came and save us yah!
man: wait! a sword you say! woman:
yes sword what are you talking about? man: you said the blandits
took a sword? what type of sword was it? woman: the sword was belong
to my lost husbaed it was called
shadow dragon sword man: gasp the
shadow dragon sword woman: yes my
love use it in battle many years
ago but now the blandits steal the
sword now we can't get back I was
hoping the sword would be pass down
to my childern someday but never
again it hopeless now oh my dear
(starting crying) man: my lady wait
here I be right back walking off
make sure the childern are safe with you alright? woman: siffing yes I will young girl: wait mister
where are you going?! man: wait here with your mother and brother
I'm going get ya'll stuff don't worry this will not take long be
back in bit as he ran off he search
them with sense of the bandit man:
simk got them now they are dead to
me forever ha ha meanwhile at the
bandit one: ha! I can't bevicve we
have all the vabule stuff and this
sword we find in that house what a
fool ha ha ha two: yeah...boss:hm!
don't worry guys I have a big plan
us tonight! ha! one: what kind of plan? boss: grr you know what I'm
talking about! one: uhh boss: grr
argh! damn it turn around smacking
in the head one: ow! what was that
for boss?! two: you dumass we are
planing to sell this stuff so we
can get drunk as hell without woman
tonight so do you get it now?! two:
of course! whoo! yea damn I can't
wa- huh? did you heard something?
one: what? what noise? boss: what
ya'll are babbling about? one: I
heard something(smerking sound) boss: huh? who ther?! show yourself
now! huh uhh ahh the shadow appear
above them and attack one by one
by killing them expect the leader
man: with evil laugh ha ha ha ha
so human are you read to die?
boss: no wait please please mery
one me! man: why should I? hm! pathic human you steal everthing from poor people do you huh? do you?! well no more I will kill you
for waht you done now! die! ahhh!
boss: nooooo ahh (uh-dead) man:hm
such a fool now I must return all
these stuff back to the family huh?
what? that sword I seen it before
but where (picking up the sword in
his hand) hmmmm wait I recember kendi! my friend! kendi what happen
to you old friend?....oh the family
ran out with the stuff meanwhile
woman: yora clam down he will be
back he said he would yora: but mother I'm sared... young boy: me
too... woman: don't worry my little
one we will be alright I promise.
yora:ok...huh? mommy look! the man
came back with the family stuff
woman: ooh our things thank you!(
hugging the guy) man:uhh(blush) your welcome my lady yora: alright!
yay! where my doll? man: oh! here
I found here you go! yora: yay! thanks man: no problem woman: my kind sir thank you for saving us and bring our thing now what will
be your reward? man: my reward?
woman: yes what do you for reward?
man: I want this sword. woman: the
sword? my husbaed sword I'm sorry
but I can't not do that this sword
has been with since my love die many years ago this is all left he
haved man: my lady you don't understand this sword belong to me
but I gave to him long ago woman:
what? what are you talking about?
he told me this sword belong to him
not you..wait....did you know him?
man: yes long ago I use help him in
battle him and I were best friend
for long time until the battle was
over I gave my sword for recember
we went septarele for good now I didn't know he have a family now I
know woman: gasp you know my kendi
so you want this sword......man: yes wait ....you keep it it belong
to you....woman: thank you again oh
I almost forgot what is your name?
man: curkle name sevin sakamotto
you? woman: my sakra sevin giggle
oh childern! yora: yes mommy? boy:
yes mommy? sakra: tell your name to
this handsome man sevin:he...two
came in to and say their name sevin: well I gless I should be leaving now well I bet you and your childern farewell starting to
leave until yora ran to sevin and
said sevin! wait don't go! sevin:
huh? turn around and look what is it? yora: don't go! we need you please stay with us we have no home
we won't make it without sir sevin:
hmmm I have idea why don't you your
mother and brother come with me I
have home but it a masion please
come at that the family move in sevin home and bcame a family sevin
fell in love with sakra got married
and have a beauiful daughter kimi
sakamotto many years went by their
older brother darda dippear from
their home so the sisters left their to start their journay the
jounay of a life time.
Yay! whoa this took me to frinsh for two day oh well go to result!