This week we speak the name of: Pixelninja
This week we go international with Jenni Källberg, otherwise known as Pixelninja to us non-cosplayers. Born in 1982 this resident of Stockholm, Sweden she is of both Swedish and Japanese descendants (how cool is that?). This woman isn’t just a cosplayer, she’s an engaged cosplayer. Just goes to show that not only does cosplaying increase self-esteem, it can land you a husband. Between cosplaying Pixelninja enjoys drawing, painting, and playing some good old video games. Her Favorite games are Final Fantasy, Zelda, Mario, Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid, making it easy to see why she loves details in her costumes. With all this its easy to see why Pixelninja has the accomplishments she does.
Pixelninja has been heavily involved in cosplay since 1999 and what a climb she has had the last 12 years. From the creation of 27 highly detailed costumes to her exposure in various magazines and media. If her name sounds familiar it should, Pixelninja created that extraordinary Samus Varia costume from last year. That’s right, all those heavy detail were hand crafted and the look amazing. Published in magazines like Nintendo Power, Electric Gaming Monthly and various websites around the world. Her cosplay also opened the doors to several job opportunities, touring with Nintendo of Europe as part of the Metroid Prime Trilogy in Germany. How awesome is that, being part of a media tour and your dressed as the star heroine.
If your heading overseas anytime soon to Sweden for any conventions keep your eye out for Pixelninja. Not flying anytime soon, then check out Pixelninja’s very own homepage or drop her a line on her contact page. Pixelninja’s costumes takes months to make and it’s worth every day. Any fortune she’s gained from her cosplay is very well deserved and well rewarded.
And so we come to another close on Nerdbastards ‘Sexy Cosplay of The Week’. With the weather recently giving us a blanket of snow hopefully this will make you forget about digging out your driveway. With that we thank you coming out to enjoy the show, make sure to tell your friends. Enjoy the week.
Wanna see more of Pixelninja? Check out these sneak peeks below. For the full experience be sure to check out Pixelninjas website. Where you can see more Cosplay and even awesome art work drawn from Mrs. Ninja herself.